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How To Setup Calendly Goal-Tracking In Google Analytics (In Under 10 Minutes)

With screenshots of exactly how we did it

· Calendly,Tutorial,Google Analytics,Sales Operations,Goal-Tracking

One of the ways WithoutCode helps non-technical entrepreneurs accomplish their business objectives is by sharing our perspective via "micro-consultations." These are 10-minute, and therefore bite-size, phone calls in which we simply discuss whatever issue(s) or question(s) you're facing.

Sometimes the agenda could be to listen to the entrepreneur describer her app idea and then recommend to her how she could implement that idea without writing any code. In those cases, the end result of the phone conversation might be a customized build plan specifically for that idea and that entrepreneur.

In other cases, it might be a more focused discussion on something such as how to setup calendly goal-tracking in the business's google analytics so that the business can track and report on its performing with regard to however they're using calendly.

In our own case, because micro-consultations are part of our menu of services, and because we use calendly to automate getting calls booked, and google analytics to track what visitors to any of our properties are doing, this is a question we've already asked and answered ourselves. So...

We wrote this article to share exactly how we configured our Google Analytics property to track what people were doing once they landed on our Calendly property.

Let's talk about the prep work first.

goal-tracking calendly

For this, we like the French culinary phrase mise en place, which roughly translates to mean "putting everything in its place," and, in context, means laying out all of your tools and ingredients in a neat array before you start doing the cooking..

Your tools and ingredients in this case are your Calendly account and your Google Analytics account, at a minimum. But ideally, you would also have a some sort of "goal-tracking plan"--or, at least, a detailed understanding--for how your business is both currently using Calendly and how it might in the future use Calendly.

If you have all three of these laid out before you start the implementation process, then it should only take you ten minutes tops to complete this task.

calendly goals analytics

💡 Pro tip: if you know and understand the five types of events for which Calendly sends data (table above) to Google Analytics, then your "goal-tracking plan" need not be very elaborate or complex. So it pays to pause and study this table as part of your prep work.

Think of this task like this...

You just need to tell Google Analytics what to do with the event data Calendly is sending over.

Take a moment to pat yourself on the back, because the prep work you did first is what makes defining the task in this way easy to do.

...and with the task now clearly defined, all you need to do now is follow the steps below.

I'm going to assume that you don't need me to give you an overview of Google Analytics (so, if you do need an overview before proceeding, then I suggest you pause reading this article and go find an article specifically aimed at that topic to catch you up). Thus, you know that you'll be setting up goals in Google Analytics for a specific property and view.


Calendly recommends setting up a separate Google Analytics property for tracking your Calendly data. So I'm also going to assume that you have done that.


If this is your first time adding goals to this property--which it most likely is, if you setup a separate property for your Calendly data--then you should have no goals setup yet.

There are a number of ways to get to the goals module in your Google Analytics account, and here is one of those ways: on the reports navigation menu, click the Conversions tab, then Goals, then Overview.

calendly event data

When you click Overview, Google Analytics will tell you that you don't have any goals setup yet for this property, and it will then prompt you to go to the Goals section. So click-through to go to the goals section.

When you first land there, your goals list will be empty. But here is what our list looked like after we setup four goals.

calendly tutorial

You can see the big red button in the upper left corner of the module with the text + New Goal. Click that to begin setting up your first goal.

Which Calendly goals should you track?

In our case, because we "hide" every event type other than the one relevant to the call-to-action that brought the visitor to our Calendly property, we only track four of the five events Calendly sends data to Google Analytics for. Because there is only ever one event shown, the chooses event type event is meaningless for us. But this could be different for you, of course.

We setup goals to track everything else:

  1. When someone views the event type page.
  2. When someone selects an event time.
  3. When someone selects and event date.
  4. When someone schedules a meeting.

This permits us to see things like total number of people who viewed our Calendly booking page at all, where the fall-offs are occurring in advance of booking a call, and how many calls actually get booked.

How to setup a goal in Google Analytics for each Calendly event action?

The Google Analytics goal-tracking setup has four types of data you can segment by:

  • Category
  • Action
  • Label
  • Value
Of these, the most important is Action, because that's what corresponds to each event data point Calendly sends.
FYI, the reason Category might not matter at all is that, if you setup a separate Google Analytics property for Calendly, then the only thing the Category level can tell is redundant. By default, all Calandly event data carries the Category of Calendly. So it's redundant, and you can therefore ignore it.
Also, Value might be less important unless you also wished to configure your Calendly goals to calculate actual dollar values for each event. We don't use Google Analytics for this purpose, so we're also going to ignore Vaue in this tutorial.

So that means you're basically working with only Action and Label. Action is what Calendly calls a fired event, invitee_scheduling_page, for example. Label corresponds with the name of that event in Calendly. So, for us, it's "WithoutCode - 10-Minute Micro-Consultation Call."


In short, Action tells you what happened for a particular event type, and Label tells which event type it happened on. So, for example, if we had one event type for 20-minutes calls and one for 10-minute calls, then Label would allow us to segment by each in the Google Analytics goals.

So, to get to the four goals you see setup in the screenshot above, the steps are simple. Click the red button to add a new goal, and then make the following selections you see pictured...

calendy review

We used the Inquiry > Contact us template.

calendly examples

We typed in a descriptive name for the goal, to correspond with the Action you'll select in the next step.

calendly price

As I said before, we ignore making any modifications to Value, and we ignore Category. So we add the event fired string Calendly gives us and the name of the Calendly event type we want to segment by.

Repeat these steps for each event fired you wish to track, and for each event name you wish to segment by. That's it--now you're done.

Was this helpful?

If you like learning/doing this kind of stuff on your own for your business, awesome. Hopefully this made this task super simple for you. But if you're one of those entrepreneurs who knows this needs to be done but prefers to delegate the task to someone else who already knows how to do it, then you might want to discuss WithoutCode's menu of delegated services.

In keeping with the content of this article, of course, you can click the button below to book a micro-consultation to discuss how we can help you.